Experience transformation.
Meetings with Michael Damian
October 1- 5 | Zwolle, Netherlands
Zo vaak hoor je mij over stil staan en stil worden -- Hoe doe je dat? Ik heb zelf heel veel geleerd van spiritueel leraar Michael Damian. Het heeft mij heel veel gebracht, en nu komt hij weer naar Nederland en kun jij bij één of meerdere van deze transformerende avonden zijn! Ik hoop je één of meerdere avonden te zien.
- Jennie van der Wal
Meetings in Zwolle, Netherlands
October 1 - 5, 2024

"Your way of teaching is very special and I feel that it is what the world needs right now, the next level of teaching. You are clear and no BS, human and divine, no pseudo-spiritual paraphernalia. They say that when you are ready you will meet your right teacher. I am very thankful to have met you at this moment."
- Tim, Belgium
In these meetings, Michael speaks about the practical aspects of living a more conscious and empowered life.
In the meetings, we learn how to
- Access the inner stillness where love and clarity is felt,
- Understand your unique personality and life path,
- Bring more truthfulness and a higher love to relationships,
- Live with a courageous, inspired vision for Life that gives you the strength to endure difficulty.
Meetings offer a refreshing blend of stillness, dialogue, and intuition as Michael works with your personal questions.
You will enter a relaxed, intimate space of conscious presence where your emotional blockages and inner conflicts can come to light.
As a gifted spiritual intuitive and Jungian psychologist, Michael is able to facilitate transformation on many levels.
In dialogue with Michael, you will receive highly accurate, intuitive insight that leads to transformation. You will feel deeply understood and seen for who you are, as you are.
Guided meditation and Q & A makes the meetings very personal and transformative. Emotions, trauma, sexuality, work and lifestyle issues can all be discussed.
His warm-hearted, practical approach brings the psychological and spiritual aspects together. With very clear intuition, Michael helps the people at his meetings to see where there biggest obstacles and opportunities are.
[Michael will speak in English but he understands Dutch and speaks intermediate level.]
Dr. Michael Damian is a American spiritual teacher, Jungian psychologist and intuitive guide (with Dutch heritage). In 2006 Michael experienced a life-changing awakening of consciousness. His spiritual intuition and experience as a Jungian psychologist allows him to work very powerfully with people on emotional healing, relationship empowerment, and learning to live with conscious clarity.
For many years Michael has been traveling to the Netherlands to lead spiritual talks. In 1995 Michael studied in Amsterdam for university, where his Opa was born in 1904. From that time, the Netherlands became like a second home to him, where he has relatives and very close friends. He has given talks in Bergen, Zwolle, Groningen, Joure and Heerenveen.
Jennie van der Wal, of Zwolle, is Michael's teaching partner, organizer, and dear friend. Jennie is a transformational healer and guide, who loves stillness and began meditating and learning with Michael in 2014.
If you have questions about the meetings, please write to Jennie at info@jennievanderwal.nl
"Your way of teaching is very special and I feel that it is what the world needs right now, the next level of teaching. You are clear and no BS, human and divine, no pseudo-spiritual paraphernalia. They say that when you are ready you will meet your right teacher. I am very thankful to have met you at this moment."
- Tim, Belgium
"Michael is voelbaar geworteld in de Liefde, Stilte en Vrijheid die we allemaal zijn. Vanuit die staat kan hij met een paar prachtige woorden heel raak blootleggen wat er op persoonlijk vlak bij iemand speelt. Toen ik laatst verstrikt was in angst stuurde hij me één enkele zin, die me onmiddellijk in tranen deed uitbarsten. Op hart niveau begreep ik precies wat hij zei en het was zó'n opluchting, dat de angst die ik voelde eenvoudig wegviel. Daar was ik hem heel erg dankbaar voor."
- Geertje Smit
"I've seen you do more with a handful of words than most psychologists do with weeks or months of sessions."
- VM, Canada
"I have rarely come across a therapist and teacher with such a broad knowledge, insight, intuition and applied wisdom."
- Melanie, Germany